I am a lover of FADS. Not typically popular ones but I get into something whether it be food, sewing or whatever and will do it till I am literally sick of it. FOr example when I was pg with the Little One I could eat Peanut Butter M&M's till the cows come home. Funny I should use the word cow because towards the end of that pregnancy I was looking a little bovine'ish. Anyway so every week I will post about my new love of the week, it could be an appliance it could be something I am eating or drinking. Just so you know I am in no way profitting from my endorsements I just like to share the love (however if someone feels the need to send me products so I can see if I love them - email me ;-p)
This week I am in love with my Zyliss Potato Peeler. I know this is seriously lame but this thing makes me want to peel vegetables. THe colour is funky and from someone who for the past 20 odd years since I have been coerced into peeling potatoes we have only ever owned those cheap crappy ones that you buy like 5 for $2. This one is seriously good.
I took this photo of my peeler after I peeled some beetroots from our garden to make into this salad I kind of invented (was pretty yumm I thought and the guests had seconds so it must have been okay).

I fyou need a new peeler I seriously recommend this one.
I am begging you not to do these fad posts. I am such a sucker and will feel the need to follow your lead & sample. I DO NOT need anymore gadgets or fattening food.
Please? My arse and wallet are pleading...
Sorry but you will be pleased to know my next one is an alcoholic beverage.
I am a little afraid of this post. I'm just not quite getting palpitations, you know?
Don't worry after I posted it I got a little depressed at how my life has come down to recommending potato peelers.
hmmm, i am worried about you Ms Clampett
I think you need a weekend away
And on that note...
HOW MANY DAYS TO GO?!?!?!?!?!?!
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