I just did a little each night and found after each step I was totally enraptured with the process.

Tonight I finished it off and I am like a giddy teenager experiencing her first love (okay highly dramatic but I do love a good handbag)and I can't wait to make a red one.

Edited to add that my photography is almost as crap as my sewing so the photo's really do not do it justice (believe me when I say it is unreal ;-p)
Ellie, it is just devine! No wonder you are so proud of it. Well done!
Wow Ellie! It's gorgeous! The material is lovely. No wonder you're in love.
Well done! It looks great! Enjoy using it now...
this is gorgeous, very clever, was it hard? You are right, it would look unreal in red. I did the tag thing by the way!!!
Who you been calling clever clogs? Have a look at that!
Great job - I've only just ordered fabric for mine so by the time I pull my finger out, it'll be out of fashion...
I heart Amy Butler, you've done a great job!
Nice work you crafty wench! I never did receive my gadget holder rollup.
Oh thanks for sharing your high! Does look gorgeous!
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