Instead I have been making Cranberry Chilli Jam (which incidentally last time I made I used Jo's homegrown chilli's) I actually got the recipe from the 2007 Christmas Edition Family Circle magazine and received rave reviews over Christmas - especially from my vego cousin who loved it with his cheese platters etc. Check out my new stamp I bought from the dollar shop - isn't it groovy.

My other little project was to finish Jnr's Blanket bag to take to school. This was a rather last minute holy crap school starts tomorrow I should have finished this weeks ago project so therefore I am not 100% happy with it but it will do. If you dont look too closely it is not too bad looking but if you are someone who can sew please dont sacrifice me to the sewing gods or goddesses for bad craftmanship..

And the last one is of the two gorgy girls - well just because I can.

Jam??? Did you say JAM?!? Good Christ Susie, you are outta control! Did you use the muslin trick?
I second the Mothership. Way too much home-making going on there for my liking. It's like I don't even know who you are anymore...
Cute girls though.
I'm still a bitch - don't panic.
You're turning all Stepford. Hahahaha!
Your girls are gorgeous, great pic. And for the record, I'm jealous of anyone with home-making skills!
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